

Please follow the general installation instructions: ../installation.

The ServiceOrientedApp-component further requires the following libraries as devDependencies:

npm install --save-dev infrastructure-scripts \
    serverless-offline \
    serverless-pseudo-parameters \

Further, the <ServiceOrientedApp />-component requires the following libraries during runtime:

npm install --save \
    infrastructure-components \
    @babel/polyfill \
    express \
    isomorphic-fetch \
    react \
    react-dom \

Have a look at our Service-Oriented-App-Example.



The ServiceOrientedApp-component requires you to define the following properties:

  • stackName the (arbitrary) name of your app, please use only lower case characters and hyphens for the name serves as identifier within AWS
  • buildPath the relative path to the folder within your project, where to put the build-resources, e.g. “build”. You may want to add this name to your .gitignore file to keep your repository free from compiled files.
  • region the AWS-region you want your infrastructure to reside after deployment, e.g. ‘us-east-1’

Allowed Children

The ServiceOrientedApp-component supports the following infrastructure-components as direct children:

  • a Route lets you specify a custom path (at the domain of your app) that gets served by its render-function. You should have at least the home-path-route (“/”) in any meaningful web-application.
  • an Environment defines a runtime environment of your app.
  • a Service lets you specify a backend service.


The following snippet depicts a Service-Oriented-App with a route, a service, and a develop environment:

import * as React from 'react';
import "@babel/polyfill";
import {
} from "infrastructure-components";

const SERVICE_ID = "myservice";

async function callMyService () {

    await callService(
        { some: "data" },
        (data: any) => {
            console.log("received data: ", data);

        (error) => {
            console.log("error: " , error)


export default (
        stackName = "soa-example"
        buildPath = 'build'

        <Environment name="dev"/>

            name='My Service-Oriented React App'
                <button onClick={callMyService}>Hello Infrastructure-Components!</button>

            id={ SERVICE_ID }

                callback={ function (req, res, next) {
                    const parsedBody = JSON.parse(req.body);

                    console.log("this is the service: ", parsedBody);

                        "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" : "*", // Required for CORS support to work




The library infrastructure-scripts provides the scripts command. Run it with the arguments build and the relative path to the file that exports the <ServiceOrientedApp/> component, e.g. src/index.tsx.

If you prefer using the usual npm run build command for building, simply add the script to your package.json file:

"scripts": {
  "build": "scripts build src/index.tsx"

The build process adds further scripts to your package.json. These let you start your software stack offline in hot-development-mode and deploy it to AWS.

Run Hot-Development

Once you ran the build script, your package.json will contain a script for the hot-development-mode.

Now run scripts {your_stackName} src/index.tsx or npm run {your_stackName} to start your web-app in hot-development-mode (replace {your_stackName} with the stackName of your ServiceOrientedApp-Component).

Wait until the console says that your app is running and open localhost:3000 in your browser.

You should see your app displaying “Hello from a React Web App!” - or whatever your own component renders. Changes to your source code become effective immediately in this mode. Just edit your source code and reload your page in the browser.

In this mode, your services are not available.

If you want to stop the app, use “ctrl-c” (or whatever command your console-application uses to interrupt a running script).

Run Offline

Once you ran the build script, your package.json will contain a start-script for each environment to run the whole stack offline:

npm run start-{your_environment_name}

Open your the url localhost:3000 in a browser and you can see your application in action. Have a look at the console of your development environment for outputs made on server-side (e.g. services)

The services run at localhost:3001.

If you want to stop the app, use “ctrl-c” (or whatever command your console-application uses to interrupt a running script).

Deployment Preparations (only one-time)

Deploying your app requires:

  1. An AWS account that you can create at
  2. A technical user (with programmatic access / API-key)

In your AWS-console, open the IAM menu and create a new user with the following policy:

    "Statement": [
            "Action": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": "*"
    "Version": "2012-10-17"

You’ll get a AWS Key Id and an AWS Secret Key.

3 . Put these into the.env-file in your project root:



Once you have your credentials at the right place and you ran the build script, your package.json will contain a script for each environment your app contains:

npm run deploy-{your_environment_name}

From here, the scripts create the whole infrastructure stack on your AWS account. You’ll get back an URL like https://{your_stackName}-{your_environment_name} that now serves your app.