
A <Route/>-component specifies a custom path (at the domain of your app) that gets served by its render-function. This function lets you easily render your own React-components.

You can regard it as a page of your app/website.


A <Route />-component is supported as a direct child of an apps/spa or of a <WebApp />-component in an <IsomorhpicApp />. In both cases, there may be multiple <Route />-components.


The <Route />-component requires you to define the following properties:

  • path the relative path of the route at the domain, e.g. “/” for the root, or “/something”
  • name the name is used as the html-title
  • render (optional) is a function () => React.node e.g. () => <div>Hi</div> that needs to return a React node to be rendered.
  • component (optional) is a React-Element that you specified/imported, e.g. Something, with <Something /> being the rendered element.

You must specify either render or component!

Allowed Children

The <Route />-component supports the following infrastructure-components as direct children:

  • a Middleware lets you specify a server-side function that runs whenever a user requests this exact route from the server.