

Please follow the general installation instructions: ../installation.

The <IsomorphicApp />-component further requires the serverless-domain-manager and the serverless-offline libraries as devDependencies:

npm install --save-dev serverless-domain-manager serverless-offline

Further, the <IsomorphicApp />-component requires the following libraries during runtime:

* express
* infrastructure-components
* react
* react-dom
* react-helmet
* react-router
* react-router-dom
* serverless-http
* styled-components
npm install –save
express infrastructure-components react react-dom react-helmet react-router react-router-dom serverless-http styled-components

Have a look at our IsomorphicApp-Example.



The SinglePageApp-component requires you to define the following properties:

  • stackName the (arbitrary) name of your app, please use only lower case characters and hyphens for the name serves as identifier within AWS
  • buildPath the relative path to the folder within your project, where to put the build-resources, e.g. “build”. You may want to add this name to your .gitignore file to keep your repository free from compiled files.
  • assetsPath the relative path to the folder where the app stores the bundled Javascript-code at runtime, e.g. “assets”
  • region the AWS-region you want your infrastructure to reside after deployment, e.g. ‘us-east-1’

Allowed Children

The IsomorphicApp-component supports the following infrastructure-components as direct children:

  • a Webapp lets you specify a client-app with a custom html and Javascript code. The <WebApp/> supports <Route/> components that let you specify custom paths (at the domain of your app) that get served by their render-functions.
  • a Middleware lets you specify a server-side function that runs whenever a user requests a page from the server. When you specify it as a direct child of your <IsomorphicApp/> then it applies to all requests made to the server. If you want <Middleware/> to apply to a subset, you can put them as children to <WebApp/> or <Route/>, too!
  • an Environment defines a runtime environment of your app.


The following snippet depicts an IsomorphicApp with one WebApp and two routes, a develop- and a production-environment, and middlewares at different levels:

import * as React from 'react';

import {
} from "infrastructure-components";

export default (
        stackName = "my-isomorphic-app"
        buildPath = 'build'
        assetsPath = 'assets'



            callback={(req, res, next) => {
                console.log("this is an overall middleware");


                callback={(req, res, next) => {
                    console.log("this middleware applies to the ClientApp");

                name='My Serverless Isomorphic React App'
                render={(props) => <div>Hello World</div>}
                    callback={(req, res, next) => {
                        console.log("finally, a middleware of the /-route, be careful: this route does not apply when loading assets!");

                name='My Serverless Isomorphic React App'
                render={(props) => <Link to="/">Back to Home</Link>}



The library infrastructure-scripts provides the scripts command. Run it with the arguments build and the relative path to the file that exports the <SinglePageApp/> component, e.g. src/index.tsx.

If you prefer using the usual npm run build command for building, simply add the script to your package.json file:

"scripts": {
  "build": "scripts build src/index.tsx"

The build process adds further scripts to your package.json. These let you start your single webapps in hot-development-mode, start the whole software stack offline, and deploy it to AWS.

Run your WebApp in Hot-Development-Mode

When you develop a React-App, you may want to see your changes directly, without the need of triggering the build+start commands manually every time. Use the script npm run ${webapp-id} with the id you specified in the WebApp-component. This starts the webpack-hot-middleware. Open your the url localhost:3000 in a browser.

Your changes become effective once you reload the browser-page. Have a look at the output of your console to not miss any error messages.

NOTE: In this mode, the WebApp runs as a Single-Page-App without a backend!

Run Offline

Once you ran the build script, your package.json will contain a start-script for each environment to run the whole stack offline:

npm run start-{your_environment_name}

Open your the url localhost:3000 in a browser and you can see your application in action. Have a look at the console of your development environment for outputs made on server-side (e.g. middlewares)

Note: Changes at your source code require running npm run build before they become effective in this mode!

If you want to stop the app, use “ctrl-c” (or whatever command your console-application uses to interrupt a running script).

Deployment Preparations (only one-time)

Deploying your app requires:

  1. An AWS account that you can create at
  2. A technical user (with programmatic access / API-key)

In your AWS-console, open the IAM menu and create a new user with the following policy:

    "Statement": [
            "Action": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": "*"
    "Version": "2012-10-17"

You’ll get a AWS Key Id and an AWS Secret Key.

3 . Put these into the.env-file in your project root:



Once you have your credentials at the right place and you ran the build script, your package.json will contain a script for each environment your app contains:

npm run deploy-{your_environment_name}

From here, the scripts create the whole infrastructure stack on your AWS account. In the console output, you’ll get back an URL that now serves your app.

Note: deploying an isomorphic app requires some time for it consists of several AWS resources, like: CloudFormation, Lambda, S3, Api-Gateway, IAM, Route53.


Have a look at our tutorial on how to register and prepare a domain within AWS.

If you specified an <Environment/>-component with a ready-to-use-domain and once you deployed your app, you can initialize the domain with the following command:

npm run domain-{your_environment_name}

Note: You only need to run this command once. But it may take quite some time to complete!